At Lux Mediation we always make sure that you understand the steps in the mediation process and how our fees are calculated. By way of an introduction, this sets out some of the details you can expect from our mediation service.

Who we are

Our four mediators have combined marine industry experience of over 100 years as well as both national and international experience. We offer expertise in a wide variety of industries and have an excellent working knowledge of the different styles of mediation and dispute resolution and when to use them. We are also able to offer cross-cultural mediation, having a Chinese mediator as well as European mediators and a French and German language speaker.

For further details of our mediators and their range of experience, please see their profiles:

Jonathan Lux
Martyn Haines
Lee Wai-Pong
Mark Clough QC

Who we help

We have experience in international and shipping mediation as well as commercial and civil matters, including but not limited to aviation, banking, commercial contract and tort disputes, construction, energy renewables/off-shore, insurance, personal injury, professional negligence and sales/international trade.

We regularly act for clients in the UK, France, Germany, Hong Kong and Singapore as well as Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, where mediation is particularly efficient in comparison to a court hearing.

What to expect from the mediation process

Our mediators will assist the parties to find a mutually agreeable solution to their problem, by helping them explore possible options and understand each other’s positions. We will not make or impose decisions however; the outcomes will be decided upon by the parties themselves.

We operate in strict confidentiality and retain no information following completion of mediation. Our early resolution service, designed to solve problems in their early stages or progress a stalled disagreement, is similarly confidential, with no information which has been shared during that process being disclosed during subsequent legal proceedings.

Our fees

Fees are charged on a day or half-day basis. We base our costs on a two-party mediation with more than two meetings taking place. A full day is from 10am until 6pm with a half-day of four hours available for 60% of the day rate. Three hours of preparatory work are included in the day rate. Additional preparation or longer hours are charged at an additional hourly rate to each party.

We have a separate lower rate available for early resolution neutral work, which includes up to three hours of initial exploration of a case free of charge. The early resolution process can be initiated by one party, with the early resolution neutral then approaching others involved with an invitation to join the proceedings.

Further details of our fees are set out in our mediation agreement.

We are experienced in taking conflicting sides through the mediation process and helping them reach an agreement to avoid protracted court proceedings. We understand the importance of the right resolution for your business and we are confident that our mediation services can bring a swift and acceptable solution to your disagreement.

If you would like to explore whether mediation can help you resolve a dispute or you have any questions about the process, please call Lux-Mediation on 07876 232 305 or email