Why and what form Mediation clause to include in your contract?
In London, which is the most popular venue for the resolution of international commercial disputes, it is arguably unnecessary to include a mediation clause in your contract because lawyers have a professional duty to advise on the best form of dispute resolution...
Mediation Procedure in the United Kingdom: A Guide
Mediation has become a widely used method of resolving disputes in the United Kingdom, particularly in commercial contexts. It offers a structured yet flexible approach, allowing parties to negotiate settlements outside of the courtroom. This blog post outlines the...
What is the Likelihood of a Commercial Mediation Being Successful?
In the realm of dispute resolution, commercial mediation has emerged as a cornerstone of efficient and effective conflict resolution. With businesses constantly navigating complex relationships and legal obligations, mediation offers a practical alternative to the...
Enforceability of mediation clauses
Is a dispute resolution clause providing for mediation enforceable? What is the legal basis for enforceability? A dispute resolution clause that provides for mediation is enforceable in principle provided that the usual legal requirements of contract law are met....
Jonathan Lux Discusses How to Maximize Your Mediation Opportunity: A Guide for Commercial Lawyers
Legal disputes are often complex, heated, and costly. But what if there was a way to resolve these disputes that is more collaborative, effective, and based on mutual interests? Welcome, commercial lawyers, to the expansive world of mediation. As a commercial lawyer,...
Mediation: Introduction
Mediation is the most popular of a range of dispute resolution methods covered by ADR. The terminology here can be somewhat confusing. Some say that ADR stands for ‘alternative dispute resolution’ (ie, an alternative to traditional litigation and arbitration); others...
Mediation – Continuing on a Roll at Pace in England & Wales
Following the handing down of the ground-breaking judgment by the Court of Appeal in Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council on 29 November 2023, which removed a long-standing thorn in the side of mediation, positive developments continue to roll out at pace...
Making the most of the mediation opportunity
The overriding message is to listen rather than advocate. Advocate is what the lawyer does in litigation or arbitration – to present the client’s case in the best light. But in mediation it’s all about underlying interests. There is the apocryphal story of the orange...
In brief: selecting mediators in United Kingdom (England & Wales)
Is there a professional body for mediators, and is it necessary to be accredited to describe oneself as a ‘mediator’? What are the key requirements to gain accreditation? Is continuing professional development compulsory, and what requirements are laid down? There is...
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